How ethical is Cotswold Botanical?
Cotswold Botanical is a Flower Delivery Company and one of The Good Shopping Guide’s top-rated ethical brands and is featured on our list of the Top 200 Ethical Businesses.
Our research team gave Cotswold Botanical an excellent Good Shopping Guide ethical score of 89, earning it a high ranking in our Ethical Flower Delivery Companies Ratings Table.
We encourage other companies in the Flower Delivery sector to follow Cotswold Botanical’s example and adopt more ethical policies and practices before applying for Ethical Accreditation.
In what areas does Cotswold Botanical perform well?
Cotswold Botanical earned a top rating in our Environmental Report category for detailed information on its sustainable practices such as sourcing locally and using homemade dyes. Unlike many other brands out there, Cotswold Botanical does not use any single-use plastic in its packaging, making it a stand-out sustainable option.
Furthermore, the brand has no negative associations with the Fossil Fuels industry, Animal Welfare concerns, nor Public Record Criticisms, earning it a top score in each of these categories and more.
What makes Cotswold Botanical so sustainable?
As Cotswold Botanical is a small company doing big things for sustainability, The Good Shopping Guide has awarded Ethical Innovator, a status reserved only for our most ethical brands. Cotswold Botanical’s sustainable floral solutions include beautiful wreaths of dried flowers, which last for years if kept indoors, resulting in less waste than buying fresh flowers over and over again.
Cotswold Botanical mindfully sources each bouquet to champion British flowers where possible, avoiding harmful chemicals and drying any leftover flowers to reduce waste. It is this strong ethos married with personal touches that make Cotswold Botanical a true Ethical Innovator.
How did Cotswold Botanical attain Ethical Accreditation?
Cotswold Botanical has attained Ethical Accreditation from The Good Shopping Guide. This involved an application process and a full review of the brand’s ethical policies and practices. Cotswold Botanical is subject to regular reviews to ensure this brand maintains high ethical standards.
As a result, Cotswold Botanical is permitted to use our Good Shopping Guide Ethical mark, which certifies the brand’s ethical status and allows consumers to recognise Cotswold Botanical as an ethical brand.
Visit our ratings tables to see which brands have achieved The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Accreditation. To find out more about how it works, please get in touch or complete a Free Initial Assessment Form.
Explore Cotswold Botanical’s floral arrangements on its website here.
Ethical performance in category
GSG score
GSG category benchmark

Awarded Ethical Accreditation
Ethical Rating
Environmental Report
Nuclear Power
Fossil Fuels
Animal Welfare
Political Donations
Ethical Accreditation
Public Record Criticisms
Ethical Innovator
= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating