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Ethical brand ratings and accreditation since 2001


Consumers want ethical integrity. 

Ethical Accreditation by The Good Shopping Guide is the original ethical certification standard. Operating for over 20 years, our full-spectrum ethical analysis covers over 20 criteria within the main sections of Environment, Animals and People. Ethical Accreditation exists to encourage ethical companies and brands to push for higher ethical standards. The highest ethical business standard will reach our ethical benchmark rating, which is the point at which Ethical Accreditation can be awarded.

Apply now for our Free Initial Ethical & Sustainability Assessment to see if your business is eligible for Ethical Accreditation.

The benefits are:

  • Brand and Company reputation – our established independent ethical certification adds to the loyalty and trust of companies and brands
  • Consumer and trade sales – growing demand for trade buyers and consumers to choose ethical products and services
  • Employee recruitment and retention – attract and retain the best employees who want to be part of an ethical company.
  • Investor relations – creates positive engagement with existing and potential investors/stakeholders
  • Boost communications – clear logo to communicate your brands ethical status with ease
  • Improves GSG Ethical Score – gain extra points in the ethical ratings tables.
  • Published widely and promoted by our writers and editors in The Good Shopping Guide, long-known for its objective ethical reviews and reporting standards.

What is Ethical Accreditation?

Ethical Accreditation and our ETHICAL MARK are a guarantee of a company, brand or product’s good ethical standards. Accreditation members benefit substantially from this respected mark of independent endorsement.  A growing list of ethical companies and brands are members, to demonstrate the authenticity of their overall Corporate Social Responsibility to individuals, employees, trade partners and shareholders.

Companies and brands or products are thoroughly screened by The Good Shopping Guide’s dedicated team of researchers across a wide range of over 20 different ethical criteria, which fall into the main categories of The Environment; Animal Welfare and Human Rights.  A full list of criteria (tailored to specific product categories) can be found here. In addition to reviewing a company’s reports, policies and pledges, we also carry out a critical analysis of a company’s activities by consulting hundreds of expert third-party, external sources – this is why we ensure that only genuinely ethical companies, brands and products benefit from our independent endorsement. 

All brand and company ethical ratings are published for all the world to see in The Good Shopping Guide. Those brands which have successfully applied for Ethical Accreditation have by definition secured a high GSG Ethical Score and are specially highlighted in the famous ethical ratings tables. Companies and brands may also display our ETHICAL MARK on their letterheads; websites; advertising; press releases; brochures; emails and packaging. 

Examples of leading Ethical Accreditation companies include Highland SpringNeal’s Yard Organic, Octopus Energy and Triodos Bank.

Apply now for our Free Initial Ethical & Sustainability Assessment to see if your business is eligible for Ethical Accreditation.