Is Ecover washing up liquid ethical and sustainable?
Unfortunately, Ecover has a below-benchmark score within The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Washing Up Liquid sector as it does not meet the minimum ethical benchmark.
Because Ecover has a low score on The Good Shopping Guide’s Washing Up Liquid Ethical Ratings Table, it regrettably cannot be classed as an ethical washing up liquid brand. As a result, Ecover is not yet eligible for Ethical Accreditation. Despite its low score, The Good Shopping Guide still encourages Ecover to contact us and apply. Once we have received Ecover’s application, we will offer it some advice on how to become a more ethical brand.
Would you like to find out how other washing up liquid brands rank against Ecover within the Ethical Washing Up Liquid sector? Visit the Washing Up Liquid Ethical Ratings Table. From The Good Shopping Guide’s Ratings Tables, you can find out more about the criteria our top-rated brands have fulfilled to achieve a top rating.
The Good Shopping Guide encourages all brands to begin introducing more ethical and sustainable practices.
What does Ecover receive a top rating for?
Due to its lack of negative ratings, Ecover receives a top score in the categories of Nuclear Power, Armaments and Fossil Fuels.
Why does Ecover have a middle rating for our Environmental Report category?
SC Johnson & Son, Ecover’s parent company, has several sustainability pages on its website. The pages include targets on plastics and recycling, as well as demonstrating evidence of progress. However, the company’s last Sustainability Report is many years out of date and contains only a small amount of information.
What can Ecover do to improve its score?
Ecover’s below benchmark score on The Good Shopping Guide’s Washing Up Liquid Ethical Ratings Table is the outcome of an assessment of multiple ethical criteria.
Even though Ecover’s score does not yet reach the minimum ethical benchmark in the Ethical Washing Up Liquid sector, The Good Shopping Guide still encourages it to apply for Ethical Accreditation. Once we have received Ecover’s application, we will offer it some advice on how to become a more ethical and sustainable washing up liquid brand.
Are you curious about how obtaining Ethical Accreditation could be beneficial for your brand? Accredited brands can display The Good Shopping Guide mark, showcasing to consumers that it can be trusted as an ethical and sustainable brand. Visit our Ratings Tables to learn about which brands have been awarded with our ethical certification.
Would you like more information? Please get in touch or fill out a Free Initial Assessment form.
Ethical performance in category
GSG score
GSG category benchmark
Ethical Rating
Environmental Report
Toxic Chemicals Policy
Fossil Fuels
Animal Welfare
Vegetarian/Vegan Verified
Political Donations
Ethical Accreditation
Public Record Criticisms
Ethical Innovator
= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating