How ethical is Black Cow?
Black Cow is included in The Good Shopping Guide’s Spirit Ethical Ratings Table. In our Ratings Table, the brand obtains a satisfactory The Good Shopping Guide Ethical Score and thereby passes our ethical criteria as a good ethical brand. Due to Black Cow’s ethical standing, The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Accreditation would be a beneficial next step to certify this to customers and investors.
For more information on the issues this industry faces, visit The Good Shopping Guide to Ethical Spirit brands.
What does Black Cow do?
Black Cow began in 2012 with the idea to create Pure Milk Vodka. Black Cow is the World’s first Pure Milk Vodka, using leftover whey that would otherwise go to waste. You can read more about Black Cow here.
In what areas does Black Cow perform well?
The brand’s ‘About’ page states that it was launched with a plan to operate sustainably, the vodka is made with leftover cow’s milk, which results in less water and CO2 consumption. As a small company with a strong ethical ethos it receives a top rating in our Ethical Innovator category.
How could Black Cow rate higher on our Spirits Ethical Ratings Table?
Black Cow is eligible for Ethical Accreditation due to its satisfactory score according to The Good Shopping Guide; this score is produced by research into a company’s impact on the Environment, Animals and People.
Black Cow could improve its Ethical Rating score further by releasing an Organic or Vegan range as well as publishing a Genetic Modification Policy for its products.
Click here to learn more about how we research and rate brand ethics.
Ethical Accreditation boosts customer trust in a brand and serves as a certification for businesses to demonstrate that they meet an ethical standard.
Why not check out The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Accreditation if you work for or with a spirit company that places ethics high on its priority list? Contact us to learn more, or complete our short form for an initial ethical evaluation.
Ethical performance in category
GSG score
GSG category benchmark
Ethical Rating
Environmental Report
Genetic Modification
Nuclear Power
Fossil Fuels
Animal Welfare
Vegetarian/Vegan Verified
Political Donations
Ethical Accreditation
Public Record Criticisms
Ethical Innovator
= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating