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Ethical brand ratings and accreditation since 2001

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How ethical is Revlon?

The Good Shopping Guide gives Revlon, a cosmetics business owned by MacAndrews & Forbes Inc., a low ethical rating. Unfortunately, this brand does not currently meet our basic standard as evidenced by its low Good Shopping Guide ethical score in our Ethical Make Up Ratings Table. This brand has to make a number of improvements before it will probably be eligible for our Ethical Accreditation.

If you would like a more detailed overview of the ethical issues that the Make Up sector must navigate, please visit our industry research page.

About Revlon and MacAndrews & Forbes Inc

Ronald Perelman, a multibillionaire investor, owns all of American holding corporation MacAndrews & Forbes Incorporated. Perelman signed his largest contract to date with The Revlon Corporation in 1985. There was a brief public bidding war, which Perelman eventually won.

In what areas does Revlon perform poorly? 

The Good Shopping Guide gives Revlon such a low grade because it performs poorly in a large number of our study criteria, which look at a company’s commitment to treating People, Animals, and the Environment ethically.

Since MacAndrews & Forbes Inc. is a private equity firm, Revlon should provide and release its own environmental report, as would be expected. Revlon falls short as a brand of this size. Despite having a sustainability page on its website, there is no indication of either progress or goals. Additionally, Revlon does not sell any cosmetics that have been certified as Organic. This has led to a bottom rating in the Environmental Report and Organic categories.

MacAndrews & Forbes Inc. also have a history of making Political Donations, which impedes with the processes of democracy. As a result, Revlon receives a bottom rating for Political Donations.

In what areas does Revlon perform well?

To its credit, there is no evidence that either Revlon or its parent company is involved in Irresponsible Marketing or the Armaments, Nuclear Power or Fossil Fuels industries.

How can the Revlon brand improve its ethical rating?

The Good Shopping Guide’s score results from 15 ethical criteria in relation to Revlon. To reach our ethical benchmark and qualify for our Ethical Accreditation, Revlon has several issues to deal with; the brand must consider making a bigger commitment to the Environment and working towards measurable environmental targets.

Ethical performance in category


GSG score


GSG category benchmark


Ethical Rating


  • Environmental Report


  • Genetic Modification


  • Organic


  • Nuclear Power


  • Fossil Fuels



  • Animal Welfare


  • Vegetarian/Vegan Verified



  • Armaments


  • Irresponsible Marketing


  • Political Donations



  • Ethical Accreditation


  • Public Record Criticisms


= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating