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Ethical brand ratings and accreditation since 2001

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Can Allianz be classed as an ethical insurance brand?
Allianz, owned by Allianz S.E is an insurance brand. Unfortunately, it has one of the lowest scores within The Good Shopping Guide’Ethical Pet Insurance Ratings Table and does not meet our minimum Ethical Benchmark to be classed as one of our Ethical Insurance companies.

To learn about how other insurance providers rate against Allianz within the Ethical Insurance sector, visit the Ethical Pet Insurance Ratings Table. It can help you to learn more about the criteria that a brand must meet in order to reach our minimum Ethical Benchmark.

The Good Shopping Guide encourages all brands to follow the example set by our top-rated brands by introducing more ethical policies and applying for Ethical Accreditation.

Does Allianz score well on its Environmental Report?
Allianz receives a top score for The Good Shopping Guide’s Environmental Report category. On its website, it has a detailed Sustainability Report which contains some environmental targets, including the goal of reaching Net Zero.

What does Allianz receive a bottom rating for?
Unfortunately, Allianz receives a bottom rating for The Good Shopping Guide’s Political Donations category. In recent years, Allianz has donated over $1 million in the U.S. election cycles.

Additionally, Allianz receives a bottom rating for Irresponsible Lending+, which is only included for companies which receive a high volume of criticisms in the Irresponsible Lending criterion. This means that Allianz has been criticised several times for unethical investment practices, which includes investment in fossil fuels and armaments.

In December 2022, the ‘Dont Buy Into Occupation’ report also named Allianz as one of the Top 10 investors in companies involved in illegal Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory.

What does Allianz need to do to improve its score? 
Allianz’s bottom score is the outcome of a calculation of multiple ethical criteria carried out by The Good Shopping Guide.

If Allianz were to work on its bottom scores, in time, the company may improve its overall rating and rise up the Insurance table.

Do you think that your insurance could brand benefit from Ethical Accreditation? Have a look at The Good Shopping Guide’s Ratings Tables to see which other brands within the Ethical Insurance sector have received our ethics and sustainability certification. For more information, get in touch or fill out a rapid initial sustainability assessment form.

Ethical performance in category


GSG score


GSG category benchmark


Ethical Rating


  • Environmental Report


  • Environmental Destruction


  • Carbon Disclosure & Reduction Targets



  • Irresponsible Lending


  • Political Donations


  • Irresponsible Lending+



  • Ethical Accreditation


  • Responsible Investment Policy


  • Other Criticisms


= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating