Are Fabulosa cleaning products ethical and sustainable?
Unfortunately, Fabulosa has a below benchmark score within The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Cleaning Products sector.
Because Fabulosa does not meet the minimum ethical benchmark on The Good Shopping Guide’s Cleaning Products Ethical Ratings Table, it cannot yet be classed as an ethical cleaning products brand. Regardless of this, The Good Shopping Guide encourages Fabulosa to get in touch and apply for Ethical Accreditation. When we have received Fabulosa’s application, we will offer it some advice on how to become a more ethical brand.
Are you interested in finding out how other brands rank against Fabulosa within the Ethical Cleaning Products sector? Visit the Cleaning Products Ethical Ratings Table. From The Good Shopping Guide’s Ratings Tables, you can find out more about the criteria that our top-rated brands have met in order to reach our minimum ethical benchmark.
The Good Shopping Guide encourages all brands to take inspiration from our top-rated brands and begin introducing more sustainable practices.
Is Fabulosa a cruelty-free brand?
Fabulosa has a page on its website which states that its products are cruelty-free. The page shares some statistics for animal testing and explains what it does to stay cruelty-free.
Fabulosa has also been certified by Naturewatch which supports its cruelty-free status.
Is Fabulosa a vegan-friendly cleaning products brand?
Despite being vegan-friendly, Fabulosa has not yet received certification from The Vegan Society.
Because it has not yet fulfilled our criteria, Fabulosa receives a bottom rating in our Vegetarian/Vegan category.
What can Fabulosa do to improve its score?
Fabulosa’s below-benchmark score on The Good Shopping Guide’s Cleaning Products Ethical Ratings Table is the result of a consideration of multiple ethical criteria.
As it does not meet our minimum ethical benchmark within the Ethical Cleaning Products sector, Fabulosa is not currently eligible for Ethical Accreditation. However, we still suggest that Fabulosa gets in touch with The Good Shopping Guide to apply. After we have received Fabulosa’s application, we will offer it some advice on how to improve upon its bottom scores.
Did you know that obtaining Ethical Accreditation may be beneficial for your cleaning products brand? Accredited brands are able to display The Good Shopping Guide mark, showcasing to consumers that it can be trusted as an ethical and sustainable brand. To find out more about which brands within the Ethical Cleaning Products sector have been awarded with our ethical certification, visit our Ratings Tables. If you would like more information, please get in touch or fill out a Free Initial Assessment form.
Ethical performance in category
GSG score
GSG category benchmark
Ethical Rating
Environmental Report
Toxic Chemicals Policy
Fossil Fuels
Animal Welfare
Vegetarian/Vegan Verified
Political Donations
Ethical Accreditation
Public Record Criticisms
= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating