How ethical is Faith in Nature?
Faith in Nature is included in The Good Shopping Guide’s Laundry Detergents Ethical Ratings Table. In our Ratings Table, the brand obtains a satisfactory Good Shopping Guide ethical score and thereby passes our ethical criteria as a good ethical brand. We encourage other Laundry Detergent companies to follow Faith in Nature’s lead and implement more ethical rules and procedures.
Are you interested in seeing how Faith in Nature rates against other brands within the Ethical Laundry Detergent Sector? Visit the Laundry Detergent Ethical Ratings Table. From The Good Shopping Guide’s Ratings Tables, you can learn more about the criteria that our top-rated brands have fulfilled.
What does Faith in Nature do?
Rivka Rose established Faith in Nature in 1974. Faith in Nature was founded in 1974 to harness the power of Nature without endangering it at a time when natural, cruelty-free, and vegan products were not as popular. Faith in Nature distributes a variety of goods, including laundry detergent, hair treatments, moisturisers, and dishwashing solutions, in addition to refills. Items come in a variety of smells, including grapefruit, lavender, aloe vera and tea tree.
In what areas does Faith in Nature perform well?
The brand’s sustainability page discusses both the problems with palm oil as well as the sustainable packaging they employ. The company claims to use organic components in its goods and to be committed to planting trees even though it is not certified. Faith in Nature has received top marks in our categories for nuclear power, fossil fuels, armaments, and political donations and is accredited by the CFI and Vegan Society.
How could Faith in Nature rate higher on our Laundry Detergents Ethical Ratings Table?
Faith in Nature is eligible for Ethical Accreditation due to its satisfactory score, this is examined by looking at The Environment, Animals and People within a company and how much the brand considers this. Learn more about how we rate.
Ethical accreditation serves as a certification for companies to show that they satisfy an ethical standard and increases consumer trust in a brand. By making a statement regarding the use of toxic chemicals, Faith in Nature might further raise its ethical rating; at the moment, the company just says that it does not use parabens.
Are you curious about how obtaining Ethical Accreditation could be beneficial for your brand? Accredited brands can display The Good Shopping Guide mark, showcasing to consumers that it can be trusted as an ethical and sustainable brand. Visit our Ratings Tables to learn about which brands have been awarded with our ethical certification.
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Ethical performance in category
GSG score
GSG category benchmark
Ethical Rating
Environmental Report
Toxic Chemicals Policy
Fossil Fuels
Animal Welfare
Vegetarian/Vegan Verified
Political Donations
Ethical Accreditation
Public Record Criticisms
Ethical Innovator
= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating