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Ethical brand ratings and accreditation since 2001

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How ethical is Iams?

Iams is a brand of cat and dog food owned by Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc. Iams sells food for cats and dogs in the puppy/kitten, mature and senior stages of life. Iams does not have a high enough score on The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Cat and Dog Food Ratings Table. As a result, it does not meet our minimum ethical benchmark and cannot be classed as ethical.

If Iams were to apply for Ethical Accreditation, The Good Shopping Guide could offer it a detailed assessment and some recommendations on how it could improve to reach our benchmark. The Ethical Cat and Dog Food Ratings Table shows where Iams ranks against other brands within the Cat and Dog Food sector. It can help you to learn more about the criteria that a brand needs to meet in order to reach our minimum ethical benchmark.

We encourage all brands to follow in the footsteps of our top-rated brands and apply for Ethical Accreditation.

In which areas does Iams perform well?

Due to an absence of negative criticisms, Iams receives a top rating in the Nuclear, Fossil Fuels and Armaments categories.

In which areas does Iams perform poorly?

Unfortunately, Iams does not sell any Organic dog or cat food so receives a bottom score from The Good Shopping Guide in the Organic category. Additionally, the brand receives a bottom rating for Political Donations, due to its parent company, Spectrum Brands, donating thousands of dollars in the recent U.S. election cycles.

What can Iams do to improve its score? 

Iams’ score is the result of a calculation of multiple ethical criteria carried out by The Good Shopping Guide. We would like to see Iams improve upon its bottom score in the Organic category by introducing some organic dog and cat food which would help its position rise on our table.

Hopefully, Iams will improve upon its bottom ratings so it can see its score rise on the Ethical Cat and Dog Food Ratings Table and we could offer it Ethical Accreditation for its cat and dog food.

Your brand of cat or dog food might benefit from Ethical Accreditation. To find out which other brands have earned this ethics and sustainability certification, view our Ratings Tables. To learn more, contact us or complete a form for a rapid first assessment.

Ethical performance in category


GSG score


GSG category benchmark


Ethical Rating


  • Environmental Report


  • Genetic Modification


  • Organic


  • Nuclear Power


  • Fossil Fuels



  • Animal Welfare


  • Vegetarian/Vegan Verified



  • Armaments


  • Political Donations



  • Ethical Accreditation


  • Public Record Criticisms


= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating