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Ethical brand ratings and accreditation since 2001

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Is Weleda an ethical toothpaste brand? 

Founded in the 1920s, Weleda is a top-rated brand that produces beauty products, naturopathic medicine and toothpaste.

Within The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Toothpaste Sector, Weleda receives an above-benchmark score. As a result, Weleda is eligible for Ethical Accreditation, all it needs to do is apply.

Do you want to find out how other popular brands compare against Weleda within the Ethical Toothpaste Sector? Visit the Toothpaste Ethical Ratings Table.  The Good Shopping Guide’s Ratings Table can teach you more about the criteria that our top-rated brands have fulfilled to reach our minimum ethical benchmark.

In which areas does Weleda receive a top rating?

As a top-scoring brand within The Good Shopping Guide, Weleda receives a top rating in many of our categories.

Weleda firmly states on its website that it does not test on animals and also asserts that it does not sell its products in countries where animal testing is required by law. As a result, the company receives a top rating in the Animal Welfare criterion.

In which areas does Weleda receive a low rating?

Unfortunately, Weleda only receives a middle rating in the Environmental Report and Vegetarian/vegan categories. This is because it doesn’t provide sufficient information on its sustainability commitments and has not attained certification for its plant-based products.

What can Weleda do to improve its score? 

Weleda’s above benchmark score within The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Toothpaste Sector is the result of an evaluation of multiple ethical criteria.

As it has a good score in the Ethical Toothpaste Sector we recommend that Weleda get in touch and apply for Ethical Accreditation. Once we receive its application, The Good Shopping Guide will offer Weleda the use of our logo and some advice on how to become even more ethical.

Were you aware that your Toothpaste brand could benefit from Ethical Accreditation? Our accredited brands can proudly display our logo on its products and advertisements, showcasing to consumers that it is ethical and sustainable. The Good Shopping Guide’s Ratings Tables can show you which other brands within the  Ethical Toothpaste Sector have achieved our ethics and sustainability certification. If you would like some more information, please contact us or complete a free initial assessment form.

Ethical performance in category


GSG score


GSG category benchmark


Ethical Rating


  • Environmental Report


  • Genetic Modification


  • Organic


  • Nuclear Power


  • Fossil Fuels



  • Animal Welfare


  • Vegetarian/Vegan Verified



  • Armaments


  • Irresponsible Marketing


  • Political Donations



  • Ethical Accreditation


  • Public Record Criticisms


  • Ethical Innovator


= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating