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Ethical brand ratings and accreditation since 2001

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Arm & Hammer

Is Arm & Hammer a sustainable toothpaste brand? 

Unfortunately, Arm & Hammer receives a below benchmark score within The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Toothpaste Sector. As a result of its low score, it does not yet meet our minimum benchmark and cannot be classed as an ethical toothpaste brand.

Do you want to find see how other brands compare against Arm & Hammer within the Ethical Toothpaste Sector? Visit The Good Shopping Guide’s Toothpaste Ethical Ratings Table.  Our Ratings Table can help you to learn more about the criteria that our top-rated brands have fulfilled to meet our minimum ethical benchmark.

The Good Shopping Guide encourages all below-benchmark brands to follow in the footsteps of our top-rated brands, such as Waken, and begin adopting more ethical policies.

Does Arm & Hammer have any top ratings in our research?

Arm & Hammer receives a top rating for Environmental Report. This is because its parent company, Church & Dwight, has a Sustainability Report with detailed targets for future environmental progress.

Where does Arm & Hammer score poorly for its ethics?

Unfortunately, Arm & Hammer receives a bottom rating in several research categories, resulting in its low score.

For instance, as Church & Dwight permits animal testing, Arm & Hammer receives a bottom rating in the Animal Welfare criterion.

Arm & Hammer also receives a middle rating in the Political Donations criterion. This is because Church & Dwight has donated thousands of dollars in recent election cycles in the United States, using its money to influence the democratic process.

What can Arm & Hammer do to improve its score? 

Arm & Hammer’s low score within The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Toothpaste Sector is the outcome of an assessment of a variety of ethical criteria.

To achieve a higher GSG score, Arm & Hammer should improve in the following areas: Organic, Animal Welfare, Vegetarian/vegan, Irresponsible Marketing, Political Donations and Public Record Criticisms.

Did you know that your toothpaste brand may benefit from receiving Ethical Accreditation? The Good Shopping Guide’s Ratings Tables can show you which brands within the  Ethical Toothpaste Sector have achieved our ethics and sustainability certification. Our accredited brands proudly can display our logo, showcasing to consumers that its products are ethical and sustainable. Would you like some more information? Please contact us or complete a free initial assessment form.


Ethical performance in category


GSG score


GSG category benchmark


Ethical Rating


  • Environmental Report


  • Genetic Modification


  • Organic


  • Nuclear Power


  • Fossil Fuels



  • Animal Welfare


  • Vegetarian/Vegan Verified



  • Armaments


  • Irresponsible Marketing


  • Political Donations



  • Ethical Accreditation


  • Public Record Criticisms


= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating