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Ethical brand ratings and accreditation since 2001

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How ethical and sustainable is RAC? 

RAC is an insurance provider that appears in The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Pet Insurance Ratings Table. RAC has not yet met our ethical standards, but we expect that in the future, the brand will make the necessary changes to function as a more ethical business.

More information on the relevance of Ethical Insurance may be found at The Good Shopping Guide’s comprehensive article on Ethical Insurance Companies.

Then, in our Ethical Pet Insurance Rating Table, compare RAC to other brands; you can choose which Ethical Ratings matter most to you as a consumer.

What does RAC do?

RAC is a car insurance provider that was founded in 1897. Recently the brand developed the UK’s first van-mounted charger for electric car breakdown cover. RAC offers solutions for roadside assistance, legal services, as well as up-to-date traffic and travel information. The brand is owned by CVC Capital Partners and GIC Private Limited, each holding a 50% stake.

For which criteria does RAC perform poorly? 

Despite the progress that has been made, there are still areas of its ethical policy that the car insurance provider could improve in. RAC scores a low rating for Political Donations due to significant donations in the United States from one of its parent companies, CVC Capital Partners.

RAC faces most criticisms due to CVC Capital Partners’ involvement in several controversial industries. CVC owns Ontic, a provider of aerospace parts mostly focusing on military aviation. The company also owns several brands involved in the gambling industry.

In what areas does RAC score well for its ethics?

RAC scores highly under the Environmental Destruction and Irresponsible Lending research criteria. The Insurance provider has received no criticisms in any of these categories, therefore receiving a high rating.

How can RAC improve its ethical rating?

The Ethical Rating of a brand is divided into three categories by The Good Shopping Guide: the Environment, People, and Animals.

RAC would achieve a higher rating if it worked on the above issues, as well as any other areas in which it receives a middle or bottom rating.

Why not look at The Good Shopping Guide’s Ethical Accreditation if you work for or with an insurance company that values ethics, or if you’re looking for ways to boost your sustainability and CSR initiatives? For successful insurance providers like ETA and Aviva, this accreditation of ethics and sustainability has been profitable and beneficial. For more information, get in touch with us or start your Ethical Accreditation process by completing our quick initial ethical assessment form.

Ethical performance in category


GSG score


GSG category benchmark


Ethical Rating


  • Environmental Report


  • Environmental Destruction


  • Carbon Disclosure & Reduction Targets



  • Irresponsible Lending


  • Political Donations



  • Ethical Accreditation


  • Responsible Investment Policy


  • Other Criticisms


= GSG Top Rating = GSG Middle Rating = GSG Bottom Rating